Bengy. 1982 - 1998. Bengy was a Collie Cross. He had a lovely nature, good with adults and children alike. He would eat anything and was always ready to help out when there was any spare food! He had a very inquisitive personality and always had his nose into everything. He liked to be close to me, and slept on the end of my bed. I will always miss him.
Tuppence 1984 - 1998. Tuppence was found in a cardboard box in the town centre. She was frightened of her own shadow, but was very affectionate . She was as light as a puff of wind but always enjoyed her food. We will always miss her.
Pepper 1985--2002 Pepper lived to the ripe old age of 17. She was a proper 'mummy's girl' and liked to be the centre of attraction. Towards the end she would only drink from a glass--too posh for a bowl! She is not in pain any more, but we will always miss her.
Lucy 1992 - Lucy was adopted from a neighbour. She is a very pretty torty and white. She is very affectionate and a real 'sucker' for wanting to sit on our lap. She loves to suckle our clothes especially a nice thick warm woolly. A demon for catching birds.
Toby 1993- Toby was adopted from a neighbour. He is the most handsome and quite large docile ginger cat you could wish for. He is very nervous but getting braver day by day. He is always first in the queue at meal times.
Henry 1994 - Henry was also adopted from a neighbour. He is a handsome black and white tom. Getting through the cat flap is becoming a bit of a problem for him lately as he is so large. He is a big soppy cat who is very verbal especially at supper time. We can always hear him coming, as his big feet and large body make him sound like a herd of elephants.